The Ramblings of Cfc

05 March 2010

My Phoenix Project

I've started a new goal oriented program. I was going to write that it has a limited scope, but the scope is only limited on what I choose to do with it. It began in a fan fiction community that I moderate, and the ideals of each category are from that community and the original works. The idea behind this project is really bettering yourself, personally and professionally and taking care of others around you. I'm excited about it and that is why I have decided to include them here. Many of these items are things that are done or will be done in real life. I have also added a real world component that relates to my writings and my goals of continuing as a freelance writer.

The objective is to do at least three items from each of the four groups. I've added a fifth group, which is more than the glorified to do list it appears to be at first glance. I tried to choose long-term professional goals, not simply 'pay my bills on time.'

Completed tasks will be bold. Notes on ongoing tasks will appear in different colors. I've eliminated the tasks that I won't do at all.

My tasks are as follows:

RED - step outside your comfort zone - be bold - completed 1/3 min.
B. Give 12 hours volunteer service to the organization of your choice.
C. Go through your things and donate unwanted/unneeded clothes, books, old glasses, etc. to an organization such as Goodwill or the Salvation Army. -we did this on Sunday - 3 bags of unneeded/too small clothes - we will continue to do more throughout the spring.
D. Write a letter to your Congressional representatives (or equivalents) and local newspaper about an issue that matters to you.
I. Join the local chapter of an organization that promotes a cause you believe in and participate in at least three meetings and one significant event.
J. Teach someone a skill you possess, free of charge.

YELLOW - for others - help your community through your creative talents - completed 2/3 min.

A. Administrate a contest or fic exchange. - I ran the Holiday Fic Exchange in December and now I am running the Community's Anniversary Contest.
B. Help another community member resolve an issue or challenge they are facing. - I am doing this, but since it's private, I won't be putting the person's name here - this will be worked on tomorrow.
C. Submit entries to three community contests. - soon, deadline is at the end of the month
D. Recruit two new members to the community.
E. Create a piece of fic (at least 1000 words), art, or a vid to fulfill the request of another community member (that includes adopted plot bunnies). - working on this right now
F. Beta-read 5,000 words or more of fic for another community member.
G. Comprehensively review (200 words or more, not counting quotes) at least five pieces of other people's work on the community.
H. Create a piece of meta for the 'verse, at least 1000 words. - I just did this and posted it to the comm. Click over and read about Women in Daydverse. :-)
J. Participate in at least two community side projects (radio play, podcast, convention planning, etc.) - I've done one podcast and plan on being involved in convention planning as it comes up.

BLUE - foster your education and learning as well as seeking the truth

B. Read 3 books by a prominent author (or authors) in a genre you don't usually read and write a review for your blog or newspaper.
C. Read a book that opposes a position you believe, and write a review of it for your blog or newspaper.
D. Research your local government (mayor, city council, etc) and be prepared to vote accordingly in your next election.
E. Attend a local cultural event, such as a concert, festival, or art show, and write a review of it for your blog or newspaper.
F. Learn a new creative skill, such as painting, knitting, playing an instrument, cooking a certain kind of cuisine, etc.
G. Write an essay on your blog or for a local publication of at least 1000 words introducing people to an unusual subject which fascinates you. - working on this as well at the moment
H. Participate in a local historical society, SCA gathering, or similar event.- I was a SCAdian for 10 years. I'd like to go back.
I. Learn a new non-creative skill (how to fix a leaky pipe, change your car's oil, do your own taxes, etc)
J. Learn at least one skill other than the one you chose for Objs. F. or I. that originates in a culture not your own, and the heritage behind it (origami, belly dancing, etc.)

GREEN - for yourself - both mentally and physically, simply putting yourself first.

(NOTE, starred items must be maintained for 90 days to count)
*A. Make a significant healthy change in your eating habits (cut out soda or sweets, more fruits and vegetables, cut out fried food, etc.)
*B. Get at least 6 hours sleep a night, or establish a regular meal schedule.
*C. Learn and practice a coping technique for an emotional and/or personal issue (punctuality, organization, phobia, etc.)
D. Do something to improve your appearance (new haircut, contact lenses, new outfit, learn how to take care of your skin, etc).- alas, next week
*E. Establish and implement a plan for the next stage in your career or education. - actually this blog is one of those things that I'm working on, plus entering a contest in May and a guest blog for another site.
*F. Kick a bad habit (nail biting, smoking, etc.)
*G. Make and keep a reasonable budget. - working on this now
H. Go somewhere or try something that you have always wanted to.- you couldn't have done this in the Fall (for my trip to Wales);-)
J. Use contacts you have made or new information you have gathered to help overcome a significant obstacle or achieve a significant goal in your life. - working on this as well

A. Call health insurance company and find out important information with the new administrators.
B. My "Good morning" project. I will be saying this to someone who is not used to being awake in the morning. I NEVER say "good" morning. I just don't believe in it, so this is really about my outlook and starting the day off right. If I can pause in the middle of the chaos to say 'good morning', my day might just switch gears.
C. I have to work on some religious stuff that I'm not getting into in this public post, but there's money involved, and of course, religion, so there's that.
D. Write and submit a piece on my trip to Wales for publication.
E. Write and submit on spec a local article on applepicking for the Fall, which will be here sooner than we think.
F. Get the editorial calendar from for the local newspaper where I have a contact
G. Write something for my friends at ESC - any suggestions on topic would be most appreciated since the one I thought of isn't appropriate right now.
H. As a joke, I said that I would write a post about post-it notes, and their many uses (I am the expert after all), but the more I think about it, the more I think that it's a really good idea. Useful for students and to showcase one of my favorite school supplies.
I. Build a corral for the plot bunnies - they're getting a little out of hand, and it doesn't help when other people (who shall remain nameless) keep leaving extras on my doorstep.
J. Clean off my dining room table so that we can eat at the dining room table.
K. Organize paperwork, and do the taxes. Start eliminating unnecessary papers from the house.
L. Create laminated checklists for the kids for getting ready for bed and for school the next morning, unfortunately tied to dessert since that's the only thing that motivates them at the moment. (I know that's bad. I'm usually 100% against food rewards (I will write an entry on nutrition soon) - I think that they're unhealthy and create false expectations and put too high an emotional value on food, but we actually eat some kind of dessert every night, could be one scoop of ice cream or a bowl of strawberries, so this is more of a 'you get your work done before you get dessert'.)
M. Write at least one blog entry a month for this journal and crosspost it elsewhere. It will be minimum of 1000 words, and on something topical or fall under my expertise: parenting, education, politics and law, travel.

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